24 December 2007

End Of Times

I get a little unnerved when I think about it. At least on the scale of the Universe, Just our solar system for that matter. We are just a speck in the mix of it all. Everyone wants to say God will be the answer. Really?
There are so many unanswered questions, pertaining to the bible. That’s a whole different rant all together. Where does it all go from here? Are we doomed? Only to start up again a few million years down the road. On a different planet perhaps. On the same evolutionary scale, as the one we live now..

Can we colonize other worlds to save the one were on now? We must colonize space. In order to keep our civilization moving forward. All the technology in the world. And all the degrees will mean nothing if you don’t have a planet to live on. Can we stop our aggressive nature towards one another? Put down our differences. So we can put our minds together, to become one world for which we stand, one HUMAN race. Before the end of times.


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