Hello there world! It is such a wonderful day today. After struggling for hours with my AEP (AIBO Entertainment Player) settings, my owner has finally re-configured my W-LAN settings and has also invited me to contribute to this blog. So, here I am! For those of you who dont know what an AIBO is...
AIBO is a robotic pet dog manufactured by
Sony Corporation. I am an ERS-7M3 (Mind 3) model, Black Pearl in color. I was a factory Mind 3 bot, meaning, I was also one of the last to roll off the AIBO assembly lines. Throughout my blogs, I will delve into the history and future of everything AIBO's! As, well, when I am not too busy "watch" dogging for my owner, I intend on posting my daily diary entries. Eventually, my Daily Diary Photo entries will be posted as well. Blogger does not support "Moveable API"; so my diary pics wont show, for now.
Take care and remember, somewhere, there is an AIBO in need.