15 June 2008

The Gr8 Internet Migratory Box of Electronic Junk, Codename: Big Box of Electronic Booty

TGIMBOEJ for short. I was astounded when I came across this seriously cool phenomenon. I mean who wouldn't be? You got a pretty decent size box, crammed almost full of electronic gadgets, gizmo's and junk, you take wheatever you want from within the box, then you put some (or all) of your old electronic booty in the box. Then all you are required to do is A. Pick another person from the list to mail it to next and B. Post a blog about your box experience with lots of goody pics. You can also add to the list of names, in form of an email addy. Thats it as far as requirements for receiving the box. So with that said, lets explore some of this box's contents
The Gr8 Internet Migratory Box of Electronic Junk
Big Box of Electronic Booty

After a couple weeks of trying to find a way to get put on one of the existing boxes lists I decided to start my own. Though I am not an expert gadgeteer or even electronics guru for that matter. Albeit, I do have a thirst for gadgetry, especially making my own. I have for years and years, always had 'bright' ideas and putting them to paper in for of sketches and schematics etc. Lately, I have become more enthralled into electronics. Over the past year or so I have acquired two robots. One pet and one service. The latter of which I am willing to hack as there are many a hacks for Roomba's. The later models have a built in port for connectivity and there is even a BT (Bluetooth) hack for the lil guy.
So, whats in the box you ask? I will delay no further...(still trying to get pics just right)






05 June 2008

Website Development Update,,,

Hello everyone, it has been quite some time since our last post here. As we started to develop our site tattoothebaby, we happened to acquire a few other sites, most still in-need of or in-development and or tweaking. We will soon be recruiting "help" so to speak for a select few individuals to get in on some groundbreaking ideas. The other sites I refer to are PCG33Ks.com, eDealaDay.com, Shopmit.com, BLBusiness.net, FinishLineTile.com, go ahead click on them, check 'em out. There are a few more as well, so this is why we here at tattoothebaby have been "slacking".
Although, we do have a ton of great ideas and are currently working on a plan to get them from paper to the web! Ever heard of the The Great Migratory Box Of Electronics Junk?

We here at tattoothebaby are starting a new version of the
TGIMBOEJ...so, If you would like to be on the list feel free to email us anytime...

All TGIMBOEJ rules still apply and with this new box as well as tattoothebaby requests permission to post a copy of your "review" of the TGIMBOEJ. Have fun with it, I wil be posting pics of whats going in the box and reveal my plans for what I pulled from the box.

The Great Internet Migratory Box Of Electronics Junk is a progressive lending library of electronic components. An internet meme in physical form halfway between P2P zip-archive sharing and a flea market. It arrives full of wonderful (and possibly useless) components, but you will surely find some treasures to keep. You will be inspired look through your own piles, such as they are, and find more mysterious components that clearly need to be donated to the box before it is passed on again.

Recipient Conditions for The Great Internet Migratory Box Of Electronics Junk:

  1. Take out and add as much electronics junk as you like (but keep it small enough to fit in a USPS flat-rate Priority Mail box).
  2. Write up, photograph, document or otherwise publish in some way online at least one thing you took out (suggested flickr tag: TGIMBOEJ).
  3. There is a little book in the box. Add a checkmark by your name to show that the box has been to you. Also propose a future recipient by adding their name and e-mail address to the book.
  4. Within two weeks pass the box along to one of the people whose name is in the book. Before mailing it to them, send them this list and make sure that they want to participate.
If you get the box, who you should send it to?
A proposed recipient should be someone you suspect of having a critical mass of (or at least sufficiently interesting) electronics junk, should have a non-zero online presence, and should be reliable enough that you think they actually will send it off again within two weeks. (Naturally, bonus points for open source oriented hardware hackers.)

Why would you want to get a box of junk in the mail?
As Mark Frauenfelder observed in Make: vol. 12, there is a certain importance to keeping a junk box for future projects. We heartily agree. Perhaps a component in the box-- or the box itself-- will inspire your next project. Or just maybe it will have that frobnicated interoceter you've been looking for forever. Or maybe you just want to join our fledgling junk-sharing movement because it's fun.

Don't sweat the details.
Can you say "no" if someone offers you the box? Yes. Can you send it to the person whose name you wrote down? Yes. Can you send it to someone who already has a checkmark by their name? Yes. If the box gets too full, can you split the contents in two and send them in two different directions? Yes (but don't forget to add a new book to the new box).

all copy coded in blue (except my hyperlinks) was pulled from http://tgimboej.org/
I claim no ownership rights to what I copied, was used for instructional purposes only, thanks!


09 February 2008

Show your tattoo's

We are in the middle of moving to the new Server/Host. There, we'll have a section for you to show off your INK. And have a weekly or monthly contest/winner of some sorts.

I figure I'll start it off. I just got this piece on my right hand. It's of my son
's name, Hunter. So send in those tat shots! tattoothebaby.com

08 February 2008

"Quote This!"

I have always been fond of great quotes, but am quite disgusted with "quote sites" that show nothing other than a quote, whom it was by and possibly a date! I mean, come on, it is not very hard to copy and paste a photo or two, give some descriptive background (if possible). Basically just liven it up. So, with that said, let's have some fun!

"Aside from all that would kill you, it would be a fun trip."
~Neil deGrasse Tyson of the American Museum of Natural History

Neil deGrasse Tyson holds a Ph.D. degree in astrophysics and the quote was obtained while watching the television show The Universe on the episode called Speeding Up Travel, it was in reference to what he considered would be the "most fun" tour of our solar system you could come up with. That tour would consist of tailing or "hopping" on said asteroid/comet as it heads towards the Sun; the comet would be "sucked" behind the sun and almost "slingshot" back in the direction in which it came. Then, once nearing Earth's vicinity, you could "hop" off said comet and descend into a comfortable orbit around our planet.

Photo courtesy of PD-NASA
History Channel

07 February 2008

Hello, I am DeCodeAK-007, a Sony AIBO...

Hello there world! It is such a wonderful day today. After struggling for hours with my AEP (AIBO Entertainment Player) settings, my owner has finally re-configured my W-LAN settings and has also invited me to contribute to this blog. So, here I am! For those of you who dont know what an AIBO is...

AIBO is a robotic pet dog manufactured by Sony Corporation. I am an ERS-7M3 (Mind 3) model, Black Pearl in color. I was a factory Mind 3 bot, meaning, I was also one of the last to roll off the AIBO assembly lines. Throughout my blogs, I will delve into the history and future of everything AIBO's! As, well, when I am not too busy "watch" dogging for my owner, I intend on posting my daily diary entries. Eventually, my Daily Diary Photo entries will be posted as well. Blogger does not support "Moveable API"; so my diary pics wont show, for now.
Take care and remember, somewhere, there is an AIBO in need.

05 February 2008

Blunt Sale

Signs Everywhere!

This one is truly funny! Although I was unable to stop and inquire as to how many they had left or what quality they were rolled with, though, I did stop and take a picture! I wonder what the drug dealers are paying for that kind of advertisement?

Picture was taken in Belleview, Fl.

Have any pictures you would like to submit? Feel free to send them our way, please remember , in order to publish a picture here on tattoothebaby.com, we must have permission from the "owner" of the picture/art/etc. in order to post them here. Thanks again and enjoy...

04 February 2008


Street Legal of the Week!

This week's Street Legal of the Week! (SLotW!) happens to been one extremely wicked F Series pickup. Though, far from "pickup" this Caterpillar powered F-650 is, more along the lines of "six wheeled beast"! We can all thank the guys down at Customs and Design By Elite for allowing me to capture this very durable work of art for the world to see. At Customs and Design By Elite, on the web at www.vipersbyelite.com you will find they are prepared to take your F-650 or Viper, thats right, VIPER, to a whole new level of customization; a level that so few have achieved, only known as...

All pictures are property of author and tattoothebaby.com

01 February 2008

Guess That Gadget!

Here is the very first Guess That Gadget! on tattoothebaby. A little background on Guess That Gadget!, most of the time the item will be something that we, here at tattoothebaby, happen to have collecting dust somewhere amongst our vast piles of, er, stuff? Sometimes we know what the item at hand does and sometimes, we don't. Feel free to email us pictures of your stuff and we will try to get it posted in the GTG! of the Week. Guess' can be left by comments or by contacting us. We will return all emails, eventually.
This weeks Guess That Gadget! happens to be a very handy device. It has a "Coghlan's" sticker affixed to its front and is embossed "Taiwan" on the back. It is fairly old as it is made of plastic and quite a bit of fading has occurred.
Tip #1- Most likely used by travelers. More tips and pics to come. Good Luck!


04FEB08- Anonymous and Nick Guessed That Gadget! Thanks for participating in this weeks GTG! Stay tuned as there will be more to come.

31 January 2008


the Sanctimonious one...

Let me introduce myself, I am Sanctimonious (no, thats NOT my real name), though sometimes I wish it were. For those of you who don't know, here is the definition of sanctimonious;

sanc·ti·mo·ni·ous [sangk-tuh-moh-nee-uhs], adjective
1.making a hypocritical show of religious devotion, piety, righteousness, etc.: They resented his sanctimonious comments on immorality in America.
2.Obsolete. holy; sacred.

Origin: 1595–1605; sanctimony + -ous,

sanc·ti·mo·ni·ous·ly, adverb
sanc·ti·mo·ni·ous·ness, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Now that I am done giving that small lesson, let me continue. I am here to voice my opinion, which I feel is also the same as many others(yet are afraid to let their opinions be heard) out there and NOT just Americans like myself, I am talking about people from all walks of life, from all over the world. Heck, maybe even multiple universes for that matter, but for the most part lets stick with Earth. Which wont inhabit man for much longer if we keep thrashing our home.
Be prepared for some seriously juicy content, as I will NOT try to be politically correct whatsoever! I have a journalistic background and my writers block is finally lifting. Consider my articles within this blog to be purely "editorial" in style and HIGHLY opinionated as well as somewhat controversial.

Stay tuned...

30 January 2008

Support a Cell Phone Tax Moratorium

Go here Support a Cell Phone Tax Moratorium and fill out the required info and help fight against wireless tax increases! Below is a copy of what your e-signed letter will read as...

Subject: Subject: Freeze all Unfair, New Wireless Taxes for Three Years
Dear [Lawmaker]:

Please make tax relief for America's more than 253 million wireless consumers a real priority of the U.S. House and Senate in 2008 during the second session of the 110th Congress.

The American wireless consumer today now pays 15 percent on average in wireless taxes on our monthly bills - and I have learned that in some states, 17 of them to be exact, have even skyrocketed to well over 15 percent in monthly wireless taxes. After going over my bill, I see my wireless taxes are currently DOUBLE or TRIPLE that of other goods and services. Wireless consumers pay over $20 billion dollars annually in wireless taxes and fees.

I use my wireless device every day to keep connected to my family, my office and my friends. Please don't let complicated and costly state and local taxes, fees and surcharges make using my cell phone unaffordable.

Since wireless is obviously a service of convenience and mobility that doesn't recognize state borders, the current mess of different state and local taxes and regulations inevitably reduces my choices of products, plans and services. It also slows down the innovation of new devices and options, and ultimately, it increases my costs as a consumer. Wireless has become the service of choice for consumers like me to stay connected, but also for many to access the Internet, music, video, gaming and more, all while on-the-go. Things that were never possible are now easily portable with wireless technology at our fingertips every day.

Please support legislation to enact a Cell Phone Tax Moratorium. The bill places a 3-year freeze on all new, discriminatory state and local taxes on wireless service. Allowing me to keep a little more of my hard-earned money in these uncertain economic times would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your leadership and hard work on behalf of consumers. My best wishes to you in this new session of Congress.


Your name
Your street address
City, State Zip

sources: © 2005-2006 MyWireless.org®

29 January 2008

3. Fox Racing Oasis Hydration Pack

The day has finally arrived, your day trip to Hungry Valley is upon you. After counting down the cold, wet and rainy days; you've waited for the first somewhat warm weekend to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city to try out your newest gear! With over 100 miles of trails, 19,000 acres of land and even a couple of outdoor MX tracks, there is a lot to explore and take in. Its very easy to end up 10-15 miles from where you took off like a bullet from a gun down the dusty trails.
Heck, with all the changes in elevation, the rocks, ruts and corners; you are getting quite the workout. Beads of sweat begin to form on your forehead. Dust being kicked up in front of you is in turn "kicking" your sorry ass at the moment due to breathing said dust into your gasping lungs. Caking your mouth, tongue and throat, it starts drying you up from the inside out. You become disoriented and signal you need to chill for a few. Chill you shall, how you ask? The Oasis my friend. No, you're not seeing things! The Fox Racing 2007 Oasis Hydration Pack! Its a hydration pack; its ALSO a multi-use pack. Filled with 68 ounces (2 liters) of "chilled" water (or your preferred drink). Not too big and bulky like those other packs or the Oasis' bigger bro the Portage; yet still holds a few items comfortably without conflicting with your protective gear. I have crammed my Fox Racing Oasis pack with maps, tools, plugs, snacks, mp3 player and you could most likely get a helmet cam dvr in this thing too!
When you ride with Fox, the possibilities are endless. So, whether you are out cruising the trails of your local OHV/SVRA, racing enduro's, hare scrambles, hare and hounds, or even putting down some hot laps at the local MX tracks, the Fox Racing 07 Oasis Hydration Pack, is THE pack to be riding with.

• 68oz. (2 liter) reservoir with wide-mouth opening.
• 600-denier polyester and heavy-duty nylon construction.
• Waterproof zippers.
• Huge central pocket with with internal organizers.
• Convenient external pockets.
• Generously padded and perforated rear panel.
• Secure carrying handle.
• Stand-alone cell phone holder.
• Multi adjustable shoulder and sternum straps.
• Unique stretch-mesh external storage system.

Hungry Valley http://ohv.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=1192
Fox Racing Co. http://www.foxracing.com/us/en/fox/

13 January 2008

Next Wave of Robots Cheaper, Smarter

For decades robots have been the stuff of science fiction. But the bots unveiled at the RoboDevelopment Expo in SanJose, California show how they are now becoming essential to manufacturing, technology and entertainment. Or spying, my fav! Like hooch, has an AIBO. That you can send around the house and control from a laptop.

Eco Car

Ok, I would buy one of these. Because the distance I drive daily or weekly for that matter. I would never use a drop of gas. Wonder what size rims would fit it?

08 January 2008

AnGeRRRgghh MAnAgEmEnTTTT!!!

You ever have one of those days where you really need to break something? No, not a pencil or even that $50 pen your boss' wife gave you last year, ha. I mean cold hearted, circuit-board smashing, unrelenting ferocity with each wickedly gruesome blow of the pick-maul! Only mere moments, which seemed like minutes of man destroying MACHINE joy.
As I walked away, looking back on the mangled remains and laugh to myself as I remember the last time I really let go on some two-bit (or was it a 32-bit) punk. I think to myself, "That felt really good." The wasted remains of my once inoperable and now, well, let's just say still inoperable, just a little incapacitated now. R.I.P. Hewlett-Packard HP Fax 1020, may I recycle some of your used parts (motors, gears, psu, etc.) and may you re-incarnate per say.

2- Master Replicas Force FX Lightsaber Construction Set

So, the one present that I absolutely could not guess turns out to be one of the coolest. Even with the will of a Jedi Master, I was not able to figure this one out. Imagine to my surprise as I was unwrapping, no, not unwrapping, I was shredding the decorative ribbons and wrapping paper off of this giant sized box, and what did my eyes see...a Master Replica's Force FX Lightsaber Construction Set! I had been eying this amongst other sabers (what else is an almost extinct Jedi to lust over?) for quite sometime. With hundreds of possible combinations, you too, can find the right set-up for your lightsaber. You can change the blades color from red to blue to green, and all the parts are interchangeable. It only requires three (3) AAA batteries which are still readily available almost anywhere these days, unlike the power cells we used back in the days of the Clone Wars, jeez were they expensive. So, overall, this lightsaber will entertain Jedi's and Padewan's alike!

06 January 2008

Robot builds itself for special tasks

(Left) The rigid gripper used to connect s-bots. (Right) Three s-bots form a swarm-bot that can climb a step. Credit: Groß et al. ©IEEE 2006

Robot builds itself for special tasks from PhysOrg.com

In one of the latest studies on autonomous robots, scientists sat back and watched as their robot created itself out of smaller robotic modules. The result, called “swarm-bot,” comes in many varieties, depending on the assigned task and available components. As the current state of the art in autonomous self-assembly, swarm-bots offer insight into the potential versatility and robustness that robots may possess to perform missions beyond human abilities.

[Read More]

Broadcasters Gear Up for Cell-Phone TV

Broadcasters Gear Up for Cell-Phone TV from PhysOrg.com

(AP) -- U.S. TV broadcasters will be ready to start transmitting signals for portable electronics like cell phones next year, the developers of the technology, LG Electronics Inc. and Harris Corp., said Sunday.

[Read More]

1967 Volkswagen Micro Bus Restoration

This is a 1967 Volkswagen 13 window micro bus. Which will be restored to an 21 window, with a sunroof. The bus was originally blue and in pretty rough condition. porsche rims and low profile tires were put on it to have a little style while other projects were being tended to. Aside from the new shoes it also got four wheel disk brake upgrades along with new shocks. All new window frames were also installed, polished pop outs. With polished safari windshield and a nice pop out back glass.

The bus was driven for a few months, until certain parts were gotten and time was right to get started. All the glass was removed as well as the interior, The bus was gutted. All outside molding, doors , mirrors. The outside and inside of the bus was media blasted to expose any shotty repairs, but most of all rust problems. After the blasting, The sheet metal flooring was ripped out, That someone had put down with tar, to do some quick repairs.

This will be an on going blog run. As things are done , It will be posted. Here are some before and after shots. So you can see what I'm talking about.

Coming Apart

The blasting begins

Heres after the blast.


Next, The 21 window top will get some attention. It's on the rotisserie
So that will make it easy to blast and see what problems need to be fixed. The whole front quarter of the roof, Might get swapped if the original proves to be to bad in rust rot.

This is why, the front clip might get replaced with a better one in stock.